

Three varieties of indica rice with significant difference in amylose and protein content were selected as the research materials. The fresh rice noodles was processed by production line with a capacity of 1 200 kg/h after size mixing (material liquid ratio 11.5). The physical properties of raw material flour were prepared by dry milling, airflow ultrafine pulverizing and water milling were analyzed by SEM, laser particle size analyzer, DSC and texture analyzer, the relationship between physical properties and quality of fresh rice noodles were discussed. Results: There was significant difference in the size of raw material flour prepared by different methods (P<0.05). The surface of the flour prepared by water milling was smooth and polyhedral, and the particle size was small and uniform, with the average particle size of 5.5~7.6 μm,the proportion of micro powder particles (≤15 μm) of 65.2%~79.1%, and the gelatinization enthalpy of 6.7~7.0 J/g. Under the existing production process conditions, amylose content, particle size, particle size composition characteristics and dispersal uniformity of raw material flour in water were the key factors restricting the quality of fresh rice noodles. Meantime, The higher the particle size content above 800 mesh, the better the quality of fresh rice noodles, with the hardness of about 10 g, viscosity of 0.5~0.8 g, elasticity of 0.4~0.5 g, which could be used as an important reference for the quality index of fresh rice noodles. While the gelatinization properties, protein and fat content of raw meal were the secondary factors.

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