Social co-governance is an important prerequisite for the modernization of food safety governance capabilities. On the basis of sorting out the relevant literature at home and abroad, a review is made on the connotation and role of modernization of food safety governance capabilities and social co-governance. The analysis shows that the realization of the modernization of food safety governance capabilities depends on the cooperation of governments, enterprises and society to form a pattern of social co-governance. Although most domestic literatures have focused on food safety governance and social co-governance of food safety, the research on the analysis of modernization of food safety governance capabilities combined with social co-governance theory needs to be further deepened, and it is also the direction for further efforts in the future.
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Li, QIN and Meng-zhe, SONG
"A review on the connotation and realization of modernization of food safetycontrol ability from the perspective of social co-governance,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 36:
8, Article 15.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2020.08.015
Available at:
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