Taking 10 kinds of vine tea samples collected as objects, 15 related physicohemical quality indexes of vine tea were measured. Four core indexes of tea infusioninflavonoids(A11), polyphenols(A12), soluble sugar(A13), and brightness(A5) were determined by variation analysis, correlation analysis, and principal component analysis. After that, the index weight was determined by the entropy method, and the grey correlation analysis was used to construct the evaluation model of the physicohemical quality: φimodelscore=ξA11×0.181 1+ξA12×0.224 2+ξA13×0.415 4+ξA3×0.179 3, and the fitting degree between the model score and the sensory score is 0.822. Finally, according to the score of the model, the vine tea samples were divided into three levels by cluster analysis.
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Min, ZHANG; Ji, YU; Qi-yan, WANG; Jin-cheng, ZHANG; Xiang-tao, YOU; Mao-jun, YAO; and Cheng-jin, MA
"Evaluation and classification for physicohemical quality of vine tea on entropy method and grey relation analysis,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 37:
1, Article 31.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2021.01.031
Available at:
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