This review summarized the microstructure, gelation process and the mechanism of gel properties of heat-induced from egg albumin. The effects of glycosylation, salt, enzymes, pH, adding NaCl or adjusting pH to synergistic glycosylation or enzyme on heat-induced gelation of egg white protein were discussed emphatically, and the research direction and application of heat-induced gelation of egg albumin were also prospected.
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Xin-ci, LIU; Yun-xiong, LV; Wei-bao, SUN; Fan, XU; Xiao-xia, YUE; and Gen-sheng, ZHANG
"Research progress on the affecting factors of heat-induced gelation of egg albumin,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 37:
1, Article 35.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2021.01.035
Available at:
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