

Objective: The aim is to establish a rapid, efficient and simultaneous detection method for various pesticide residues in eggs. Methods: QuEChERS combined with UHPLC-MS/MS was successfully used to detect 19 kinds of pesticide residues in eggs. Results: The limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of this method were (0.39±0.66) and (1.28±2.17) μg/kg, respectively. The recoveries of standard pesticides and relative standard deviations ranged from 79.25% to 102.14% and from 9.34% to 16.72%, respectively. Except for famoxadone, the correlation coefficients of linear equations for all pesticides were close to 0.999. The total frequency of 19 kinds of pesticides detected in eggs was 2.82% and the detection frequency of chlorpyrifos and phoxim were 22% and 15%, which maybe the potential safety issue for eggs. The quantity of them ranged from 2.08~729.74 μg/kg and 0.81~46.89 μg/kg, respectively. Conclusion: The proposed method is accurate, reliable, and meets the requirements for testing pesticides in eggs. The detection frequency of pesticides in eggs in Hubei province is low, indicating a low safety risk.

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