Objective: To solve the problems of low computational efficiency and poor energy-saving effect of routing algorithm in wireless sensor networks, a new routing protocol for wireless sensor networks is established. Methods: Based on the architecture of grain storage environment monitoring system, a node scheduling method based on node residual energy clustering was proposed for wireless sensor network for grain storage environment monitoring. The number of active nodes in the cluster was calculated from two aspects: network coverage and monitoring accuracy. The working nodes were determined according to the energy and distribution of nodes, and the performance and superiority of the energy-saving strategy were verified. Results: Compared with the routing protocol of traditional wireless network, the energy consumption of this protocol was significantly reduced, and the energy consumption of each node in the network was relatively uniform and effectively balanced. Conclusion: This method improves the calculation efficiency and reduces the energy consumption, and has a good scheduling effect.
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Xian, HUANG; Jia, CHEN; and Ke-xin, CHEN
"Application of wireless sensor technology in grain storage environment monitoring,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 37:
10, Article 23.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2021.10.023
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