

In order to improve people's physical quality and explore the road of modern food education with Chinese characteristics, the concept of food education in Chinese food culture should be deeply analyzed and explored. Taking the traditional food culture as the starting point and foothold, this paper summarizes the advanced views of food education, such as homology of medicine and food, festival of food and etiquette of food. This paper analyzes the relationship between traditional diet and modern food education, and holds that food education is an important way to carry forward traditional food culture, and traditional food culture is the basis for the development of modern food education. However, exploring modern food education is still facing the impact of Western fast food culture and the slow process of national food education. The measures must be taken to strengthen national food consciousness, strengthen the construction of food education legal system, improve food education system and promote food education pilot work, so as to promote the integration of Chinese traditional food culture into the construction of food education system and truly explore the road of food education with Chinese characteristics.

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