

Objective: It was expected to provide guidance for the improvement of production technology and standardization of industrial production of dapanji. Methods: The intelligent frying machine was used to make Dapanji according to the traditional frying and stewing technique. The contents of free amino acid were measured by amino acid analyzer, Kjeldahl method was used to measure the content of total nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen, the degradation of myofibrillar protein and the transform of microstructure in Dapanji during the stir-fried and stewed processing were investigated by the SDS-PAGE and Scanning electron microscope. Results: The results indicated that the content of free amino acids, essential amino acids and flavored amino acids in the finished Dapanji were 48.63%, 53.78% and 55.78%, respectively, which were higher than that of the raw chicken, and the contents were as high as 30.38, 12.61 and 13.74 g/100 g, respectively. The contents of total nitrogen (TN) and non-protein nitrogen (NPN) in the finished Dapanji were significantly reduced (P<0.05) compared with the raw chicken. Compared to the stir-firing processing, the degree of degradation of myofibrillar protein (molecular weight 97 kDa) and protein(molecular weight 15~25 kDa) were increased after the stewing treatment, which was shown in SDS-PAGE. The protein band of molecular weights 47, 55 and 60 kDa were found in SDS-PAGE after the chicken were stir-fried and stewed, indicating that the heavy chains of myosin in the chicken were degraded. The results of scanning electron microscope showed that the sarcolemma dissolved and fiber tissue structure was tight in during the stir-fried and stewed processing. Conclusion: Dapanji was made by using the intelligent frying machine, which not only maintained the traditional sensory quality and flavor, but also shorten the processing time and improved the work efficiency.

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