The administrative supervision system for online food trade in Germany was built by German Federal Consumer Protection and Food Safety Office mainly based on 《German Food, Commodity and Feed Law》and other relevant laws and regulations, the German official monitoring center of e-commerce in food and D21 Quality Criterion. From the perspective of German mature administrative supervision system for online food trade, China has not yet set up an administrative agency which unifies and coordinates organization for online food safety, a unified operation platform for the administrative supervision of online food trade and a widely acknowledged quality certification criterion. Therefore, establishing a coordinative department, a unique monitoring center, and taking the HACCP as the core standard certification for online food are good ways for Chinese administrative supervision system to develop online food trade.
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Ru-hua, SHAO
"Administrative supervision system of internet food trade in Germany and the enlightenment to China,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 37:
4, Article 13.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2021.04.013
Available at:
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