

In order to evaluate the degree of heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Pb, As) pollution in different meat products and different regions comprehensively and quantitatively, a comprehensive evaluation method of heavy metal pollution in meat products based on the best-worst method (BWM)-entropy(E) model was proposed. Firstly, Building a comprehensive evaluation index system based on heavy metal toxicity and content. Then, the best-worst method was applied to evaluate the degree of heavy metal pollution in various meat products. Finally, the entropy method was used to comprehensively evaluate the degree of heavy metal pollution in different regions. The case study used in this study was from the results of heavy metal detection results on four meat products in five cities of a province. For the degree of heavy metal pollution in the different meats products, the ranking of results from higher to lower by two methods, the Nemero index method and over-standard rate, were dried cooked meat pro-ducts>cured meat products>sauced meat products>smoked and boiled sausage and ham products, and cured meat products>sauced meat products>dried cooked meat products>dried cooked meat products, respectively. However, the ranking of results from higher to lower by the comprehensive evaluation value proposed by this study was sauced meat products>cured meat products>dried cooked meat products>dried cooked meat products. For the degree of heavy metal pollution over different regions, the ranking of results from higher to lower by two methods, the Nemero index method and over-standard rate, were city A>city C>city B>city E>city D, and the ranking of result is consistent with that of the method of this study. Comparing above ranking results by the two methods, and the comprehensive evaluation method of this paper, the same and different aspects were found. The reason for the discrepancy was that the comparison methods had limitations in terms of the completeness of evaluation. Our evaluation model in this study can evaluate the degree of heavy metal pollution more comprehensively and effectively, and can highlight the difference in degree of heavy metal pollution among different regions.

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