19 kinds of selenium-containing rice were collected from 7 towns in Jiangjin District, and the influence of milling on the selenium content of rice was investigated. Significant differences were found in the selenium content in different varieties of brown rice (P<0.05). Yuxiang 203, Jing 1 You Huazhen, Q Xiang You 100 and Jing Liang You 510 had stronger selenium accumulation ability. Under the influence of rice varieties and planting environment, rice bran with different milling rate, selenium content and selenium loss in the milling process were different. The selenium content in rice bran of Yuxiang 203 and Jing1 Youhuazhen was higher, up to 0.82 mg/kg, which could be widely used as selenium-rich by-products produced in the processing process. All the samples showed that higher milling rate could cause higher processing precision and higher loss rate of selenium, and the highest loss rate of selenium was up to 44.39%. During the milling process, the selenium loss of Jing1 Youhuazhen and Jing Liang You 510, planted in Jiasui Town, Q Xiang You 100, and Yuxiang 203 planted in Baisha town and Zhongshan town, was relatively small. After grinding the 80 s, the selenium content in first-grade polished rice could still reach the level of selenium enrichment.
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Rui, SUN; Geng, ZHONG; Yang, ZHANG; Zuo-hua, ZENG; and Li-kui, FANG
"The relationship between selenium-containing rice milling rate and selenium loss in Jiangjin district, Chongqing,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 37:
4, Article 5.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2021.04.005
Available at:
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