The working principle and technical parameters of the helical tooth-to-roller squeezing apricot core shell breaking device are described. The structures were determined, including the shell crushing roller, the double-layer vibrating screen, the eccentric transmission device, the size of the shell crushing roller gap. The modal analysis of the main components of the shell-breaking roller was analyzed with ANSYS-Workbench software, and obtained the first 6-order mode and natural frequency. The lowest-order natural frequency of the shell-breaking roller was 17.258 Hz, which was much higher than its working condition excitation frequency of 5.83~7.50 Hz. There will be no resonance. After testing with no grading, the average value of the whole shell rate of apricot kernels broken by the device is 86.46%, and the average value of whole kernel rate is 82.73%. After grading, the average value of the whole shell rate of apricot kernels broken by the device is 98.18%, and the average value of whole kernel rate is 95.95%.
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Zhao-shuai, ZHU; Jia-xi, ZHANG; Li-ling, YANG; Wu-lan, MAO; and Yi-chao, WANG
"Design of apricot core-breaking device with squeeze-tooth-to-roller and analysis of the strength of pressing roller,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 37:
5, Article 21.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2021.05.021
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