

Pumpkin powder and wheat flour were used to analyze the farinographic properties, gelatinization characteristics, crystal form and crystallinity of dough, water distribution and rheological characteristics of wheat powder by measuring different addition levels of pumpkin powder. The results showed that the stability time, tolerance index, bandwidth and gelatinization characteristics of the dough were significantly decreased with the increasing of the pumpkin powder content (P<0.01). The storage modulus and loss modulus first decreased and then increased, while the dough elasticity first increased and then decreased.The content of weakly bound water increased gradually. When the addition amounted to 15%, the crystallinity of starch in dough reached the maximum of 23.9%. In summary, appropriate addition of pumpkin powder could reduce gluten protein concentration, inhibit starch gelatinization characteristics, and improve dough elasticity, thereby could improve farinographic properties and quality characteristics.

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