

“Nongda No.7” plum was used as the test material, and the changes of fruit quality and physiological and biochemical indexes under different storage conditions (-0.5 ℃ and 4 ℃) were analyzed to explore the effect of ice temperature storage on plum fruit storage and preservation effect. The biochemical indexes, aging degree and anti-oxidation ability of plum were explored during storage. Meanwhile, four types of delivery methods were adopted for the plums stored at ice temperature. By comparing the titratable acid, VC, flavonoids, and total phenol contents of plums after being shipped out of the warehouse, the nutrient components of plums stored at ice temperature were explored. The experiment results showed that, compared with cold-storage, ice-storage could significantly inhibit the increase of the respiration rate and fruit cell membrane permeability of plum fruit and delay the peak of respiration and the accumulation of malondialdehyde. Moreover, ice-storage could effectively reduce fruit weight loss and stalk browning, maintain fruit firmness, increase the rate of good fruit, significantly inhibit polyphenol oxidase activities and peroxidase, and maintain high superoxide dismutase activity. Comparing different delivery methods, indirect delivery to 10 ℃ could maintain a relatively stable titratable acid content and a higher level of nutrients, such as VC, flavonoids and total phenols. Research shows that ice-storage is more conducive than cold-storage to the maintenance of fruit quality, and the most suitable storage condition is indirect storage to 10 ℃.

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