

To explore the regularity of medicine diet recipes for improving spleen deficiency in the dictionary of Chinese medicinal diet by using the Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support System (TCMISS) (V2.5). It is intended to provide a new way of thinking for developing new prescriptions for Chinese medicine health food-related to spleen deficiency, such as promoting digestion, enhancing immunity, anti-oxidation, relieving physical fatigue and improving sleep. The medicinal diet recipes for improving spleen deficiency in the Dictionary of Chinese Medicinal Diet were collected, and the TCMISS(V2.5)was used for frequency analysis, association rule analysis and entropy hierarchical cluster analysis. Result: A total of 822 medicinal diet recipes for improving spleen deficiency were collected from 93 ancient and modern books; involving 372 kinds of raw materials such as traditional Chinese medicine, foods and condiments, The most commonly used raw materials are medicinal and food homologous traditional Chinese medicine and food, the three most commonly used medicines were Dioscoreae rhizoma, Jujubae fructus and Nelumbinis semen, the three most commonly used foods and condiments were rice, sugar, glutinous rice; 33 commonly combinations and 15 new prescriptions for improving the therapeutic diet for spleen deficiency were obtained. The prescriptions for improving spleen deficiency mostly reuse medicinal and food homologous traditional Chinese medicine and food to invigorate spleen and replenishing qi, and take the comprehensive conditioning goal of combining functional repair and nutritional supplement as the characteristics of the prescriptions. The rules of the prescriptions summarized by data mining provide some new ideas and methods for developing related traditional Chinese medicine health food products.

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