

Objective: This study aimed to exploring the fresh-keeping effect of chlorine dioxide onCuihong plum, and then providing a new way for postharvest fresh-keeping technology of Prunus. Methods: Cuihong plum fruits were treated with different concentrations of chlorine dioxide (20, 40, 60 mg/L) and then refrigerated at (1.0±0.5) ℃. Results: Compared with the control group, the group treated with 40 mg/L chlorine dioxide significantly reduced the decay rate, respiratory intensity, polyphenol oxidase activity (P<0.05), and inhibited the color difference L* value, hardness, soluble solids content, titratable acid content, VC content, peroxidase activity, the total number of mold and yeast colonies of Prunus (P<0.05). Conclusion: Treatment with 40 mg/L chlorine dioxide has the best storage effect, which can delay the metabolic process of Cuihong plum and maintain good storage quality.

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