

Objective:Explore the effect of physical sterilization on the freshness of fresh cut yam, and provide reference for fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Methods:The freshness of UV-C and ultrasonic treatments were studied on skinless Chinese yam segment. Sodium hypochlorite treated and non-sterilization groups were used as control. Results: UV-C and ultrasonic sterilization treatments could significantly slow down the decline rate of the sensory quality of Yam and inhibit the increase of total number of colonies (P≤0.05). On the 13th day of storage, compared with non-sterilization group, the browning index of UV-C treatment decreased by 46.15%, hardness(200.34 N) was significantly higher than other treatment groups (P≤0.05), compared with non-sterilization group the PPO activity of UV-C treatment was decreased by 25.23%, the total number of colonies of UV-C treatment was only 5.48 lg (CFU/g). Conclusion:The sterilization effect of UV-C treatment was significantly better than ultrasonic treatment (P≤0.05), improve the freshness, maintain the shelf-life of 13 days.

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