

Objective:This study aimed to help with the scientific management of leek food safety in Hunan Province. Methods: 24 kinds of pesticides and 5 kinds of heavy metals in 690 leek samples from Hunan Province were detected. Results:① Pesticide residues were detected in 23.19% of the 690 samples, and the top three pesticides were determined to be carbendazim, procymidone and cypermethrin. The exceeding rate of pesticide residues was 5.80%, and the highest exceeding rate was 2.61% of procymidone. ② The detection rate of heavy metal elements was 77.68%, and the exceeding rate was 3.62%. The highest detection rate and exceeding rate of heavy metal elements was Cd. Conclusion: High pesticide residues in leek were confirmed, and the detection rate of heavy metal elements in leeks is much higher than that of pesticide residues. Among them, pesticide procymidone and heavy metal Cd are the main over-standard items of leeks. It is suggested to strengthen the continuous monitoring of pesticide residues and heavy metal pollution in leeks.

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