

Objective: This study amied to investigated the perspective of gastrointestinal (GI) health among consumers of all ages, and their demands on related dietary supplements. Methods: Questionnaires were randomly distributed through the Internet, and 148 consumers completed the questionnaire, including infants, children and teenagers (1~18 years old), adults (19~55 years old), and older adults (over 55 years old). The corresponding results were obtained from the data analyzed by SPSS. Results: Common GI issues affecting consumers include constipation, abdominal bloating and pain as well as diarrhea. Nearly half of consumers are very concerned about GI health. Unhealthy lifestyle habits and unhealthy diets are two main causes of GI issues in adults, while infants, children and teenagers are mainly affected by common cold and low-quality diets. It has been commonly assumed by consumers that GI health is related to low immunity, depression and bad breath in adults, and emaciation and malnutrition in children. Consumers generally take dietary supplements to deal with GI discomfort, among which the number of consumers knowing and taking probiotics is the highest, and yet the feedback on its effect has not been very positive. In their views, probiotics predominantly solve problems concerning GI issues. Sudden GI discomfort is the main cause of consumers taking dietary supplements for GI health, while unhealthy diets in adults and poor appetite in children are also important causes. Conclusion: Consumers are widely affected by GI issues, and there is a relatively high awareness among them of dietary supplements for GI, which are also in high demands varying with age. Further targeted dietary supplements for GI are needed to develop.

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