

Objective: The aim of this study was to analysis the effect of cultivars on the adaptability of kiwifruit processing to chips while six cultivars of kiwifruit were used as the raw material. Methods: Kiwifruit chips were prepared by the method of vacuum freeze-dried. Sensory evaluation and nine indexes such as the yield of kiwifruit chips, water-soluble pectin, acid-soluble pectin, soluble sugar, total acid content, sugar-acid ratio. ascorbic acid content, hardness and crispness of kiwifruit chips were analyzed. Results: There were significantly differences among yield, nutrient content and sensory indicators in kiwifruit chips while the kiwifruit chips were prepared with different cultivars. Kiwifruit chips with cultivar name "Jinyan" were higher in yield, water-soluble pectin, soluble sugar and hardness of kiwifruit chips, but were lower in total acid content and crispness of kiwifruit chips. Kiwifruit chips with cultivar name "Jinmei" were higher in yield, water-soluble pectin, soluble sugar and ascorbic acid, and were lower in total acid, hardness and crispness of kiwi fruit chips. Kiwifruit chips with cultivar name "Jinyuan" were higher in water-soluble pectin, acid-soluble pectin, bound-pectin, soluble sugar, total acid and ascorbic acid, and were lower in hardness and crispness of kiwi fruit chips. Kiwifruit chips with cultivar name "Jintao" were higher in yield, sugar-acid ratio, ascorbic acid, hardness and crispness of the chips, and were lower in water-soluble pectin and total acid in kiwifruit chips. Kiwifruit chips with cultivar name "Cuiyu" were higher in yield, sugar-acid ratio, crispness of kiwifruit chips, and were lower in acid-soluble pectin, bound-pectin, soluble sugar, total acid and hardness of chips. Kiwifruit chips with cultivar name "Donghong" were higher in yield of kiwifruit chips, acid-soluble pectin, bound-pectin, soluble sugar, sugar-acid ratio and hardness of chips, and were lower in water-soluble pectin, total acid and crispness of chips. Conclusion: The cultivars of kiwifruit had extremely effect on the yield, nutrient content and sensory indicators of kiwifruit chips. Kiwifruit named "Donghong" was considered as the optimal cultivar to be prepared kiwifruit chips by vacuum freeze-drying method.

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