

ZHOU Hui-juan, Forest and Fruit Tree Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403 , China ;Agro-product Fresh Keeping and Processing Research Center, Shanghai 201403 , China
YE Zheng-wen, Forest and Fruit Tree Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403 , China ;Agro-product Fresh Keeping and Processing Research Center, Shanghai 201403 , China
ZHANG Xia-nan, Forest and Fruit Tree Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403 , China ;Agro-product Fresh Keeping and Processing Research Center, Shanghai 201403 , China
SU Ming-shen, Forest and Fruit Tree Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403 , China ;Agro-product Fresh Keeping and Processing Research Center, Shanghai 201403 , China
DU Ji-hong, Forest and Fruit Tree Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403 , China ;Agro-product Fresh Keeping and Processing Research Center, Shanghai 201403 , China
LI Xiong-wei, Forest and Fruit Tree Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403 , China ;Agro-product Fresh Keeping and Processing Research Center, Shanghai 201403 , China
ZHANG Ming-hao, Forest and Fruit Tree Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403 , China ;Agro-product Fresh Keeping and Processing Research Center, Shanghai 201403 , China
WANG Bing-xian, Forest and Fruit Tree Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403 , China ;Agro-product Fresh Keeping and Processing Research Center, Shanghai 201403 , China
YANG Yun, Forest and Fruit Tree Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403 , China ;Agro-product Fresh Keeping and Processing Research Center, Shanghai 201403 , China


Objective:The effects and correlations of different concentrations of 1-MCP combined with (10±1) ℃ storage on flavor and texture of fruit were discussed.Methods:Soft solute' Hujingmilu' peach was used as test material. The concentration of 1-MCP treatment was 3.24, 6.48 and 12.96 μL/L respectively, then were stored at (10±1) ℃. The fruits stored at (10±1) ℃ and (1±1) ℃ without any treatment were used as control. The ethylene release rate, respiration intensity, fruit texture, sugar and acid content, five flavors of fruits in different treatment groups were measured every 4 days during cold storage. The fruit of different treatment groups that have been stored for 28 days were taken out and placed at a temperature of (20±2) ℃ and a relative humidity of 65% ~ 70% for 3 days, and the shelf quality was determined.Results:Compared with CK1, different concentrations of 1-MCP treatment stored at (10 ± 1) ℃ can delay the occurrence of ethylene release peaks, inhibit the ethylene release rate and breathing strength of the fruit, but still significantly higher than CK2; The sugar and acid content of that was significantly higher than CK2. 1-MCP treatment with a concentration of 6.48 μL/L combined with (10±1) ℃ storage can keep high TSS, sugar and acid content of fruits, inhibit the loss of sweetness, sourness, umami, and have good comprehensive flavor; It can significantly reduce the ethylene release rate and respiration intensity of fruits, and keep the inherent texture of fruits well.Conclusion:1-MCP with the concentration of 6.48 μL/L combined with (10±1) ℃ can not only delay the softening of fruits, but also make the secondary substances of fruits metabolize normally, and keep the inherent flavor and texture of fruits well. It can prolong the safe storage period of 'Hujingmilu' peach fruit to 20 days, which can be used as one of the fresh-keeping techniques instead of single low temperature storage.

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