Objective:This study aimed to provides technical support for the risk prevention and control of nickel contamination in market soy milk powder.Methods:With concentrated nitric acid as digestion solution, the ultra-wave digestion was utilized for preprocessing, and then the ICP-MS, with Rhodium as internal standard to eliminate matrix interference and in the KED mode, was used to determine the content of nickel in soybean milk powder. Moreover, the conditions for ultra-wave digestion and ICP-MS were also optimized.Results:The linear relationship of the standard curves was located within the mass concentration of 0~10 μg/L, with correlation coefficient of 0.999 9, and the detection limit was 0.002 mg/kg. The recovery percent ranged form 94.5% to 100.6% and the relative standard deviation (RSD)was 1.8%~2.3%. The proposed method was validated on the quality control sample of soy milk powder (ZKQC5210) and the determination result was in the certification scope.Conclusion:The proposed method was correct and reliable, so it was suitable for the determination of the nickel content in soybean milk powder.
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Min-min, XUE; Fang-fang, LIU; Fan, ZHANG; Ji-wang, TANG; Lie-jiang, YUAN; Hai-zhi, WU; Li, ZHU; and Xing-xin, GUO
"Determination of nickel in soy milk powder by ultra-wave digestion-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 38:
3, Article 9.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2022.90062
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