Objective: This study aimed to find out the best parameters of moistening leaves in redrying. Methods: Based on the BO1 module of upper leaves in Ganzhou, the effects of hot air temperature, drum speed, water addition and steam valve opening on aroma components of primary and secondary leaves were investigated, and the optimum parameters of leaf moistening process were screened by comprehensive balance method based on the style of sweet and coke in Ganzhou. Results: The content of aroma components increased after one-time leaf wetting and decreased after two-time leaf wetting, but slightly increased, compared with that before leaf wetting. The hot air temperature in the first moistening leaf had a significant effect on the contents of solanone and furfuryl alcohol, while the hot air temperature in the second moistening leaf had a significant effect on the content of phenylacetaldehyde. Conclusion: The optimum process conditions of twice moistening leaves during tobacco redrying were hot air temperature 135 ℃, roller speed 10 r/min and water addition 3.5 kg/100 kg. Hot air temperature 145 ℃, roller speed 9 r/min, steam valve opening 50%.
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Jing-xin, LI; Li, HE; Mi, SUN; En-kai, ZOU; Chun-guang, LI; Xiao-lin, ZHAN; Dong, CHEN; Hai-tao, LUO; Yan-qiu, JING; and Zhou-ying, REN
"Effects of different conditioning parameters on aroma components of tobacco leaves,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 38:
5, Article 34.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2022.90110
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