

Objective:Differences in the composition of volatile substances in bayberry wine were used to distinguish the process of making bayberry wine.Methods:Two different processes of fermentation and soaking were used to prepare bayberry wine, and gas chromatography-ion mobility chromatography was used to analyze the volatile components of the two bayberry wines qualitatively and quantitatively.Results:A total of 59 kinds of volatile substances were detected and characterized in the two bayberry wines, including 18 alcohols, 19 esters, 9 aldehydes, 6 ketones, and 3 pyrazines and their derivatives, 1 acid, 3 others. The alcohols in fermented bayberry wine were more abundant, while the content of ethanol in soaking type bayberry wine was higher than the fermented type. Moreover, the type and content of esters of the former were superior to the fermented type.Conclusion:The production process of bayberry wine can be distinguished by the type and content of the volatile components within bayberry wine.

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