Objective: The study aimed to develop the vegetable value of common vetch (CV) and explore the effects of salt solution on phenolic accumulation and antioxidant activity in CV sprouts.Methods: The effects of NaCl stress and supplemental CaCl2 on free and combined phenolic accumulation in CV sprouts were analysed by UPLC in comparison with pea sprouts, soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts. The changes of key enzyme activities and gene relative expression levels of PAL, C4H and 4CL, antioxidant enzyme activities and antioxidant activities were investigated under NaCl and CaCl2 treatments.Results: The total phenolics increased from (10.63±0.40) mg GAE/g DW to (15.76±0.36) mg GAE/g DW with the co-treatment of NaCl and CaCl2. Sixteen phenolic acids were detected in CV sprouts. The content of Rutin increased from (22.50±0.49) mg/kg DW to (57.38± 0.87) mg/kg DW with the co-treatment, which was 79.69, 260.82, 5.89 times of pea sprout, soybea sprout and mung bean sprout respectively. Na+ increased enzyme activities of PAL,4CL and C4H by increasing their relative gene expression levels. However, the co-treatment increased enzyme activities but their relative gene expression levels decreased or didnʼt change significantly.Conclusion: The co-treatment of NaCl and CaCl2 can enrich the phenolic content and enhance its antioxidant activity of CV sprouts.
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Qi-yan, ZHAO; Ning, TANG; De-chen, ZHAO; Bo-ya, ZHANG; and Yong-qiang, CHENG
"Effects of NaCl stress and CaCl2 supplemental on phenolic accumulation and antioxidant activity in common vetch sprouts,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 38:
7, Article 8.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2022.80051
Available at:
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