

Objective: Established a group of models used to quickly distinguish anti-counterfeit cigarette packaging paper. Methods: The model based on the same color oil on packaging paper from 3 different brands: Yunyan, Yuxi, and Hongtashan. The Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectrum were collected from 116 samples totally by Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) accessary. 56 spectrum were used to build the models and 20 samples of each brand were used to verification. Spectrum were second derivative processed and spectral ranges were selected as 3 200~2 700, 1 800~1 580, and 801~720 cm1. Results: Using Mahalanobis distance discriminant method to establish 4 models (3 brands and 1 multiple), all of the accuracy of models reached to 100%. Conclusion: This is the first time to use the same color oil FTIR spectrum to distinguish real and fake cigarette packaging paper which were highly improve selection efficiency for large number of samples.

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