Objective:Develop new natural characteristic plant to-bacco flavor.Methods:The volatile oil from the seeds, leaves and stems of Pelargonium odor atissimum was extracted by simulta-neous steam distillation solvent extraction(SDE) .The chemical components of volatile oilwereanal yzed by GC/MS,andthe effects of volatile oil from different parts of Cardamom geraniumin cigarette flavoring and conventional components of smoke werecompared.Results:The volatile oil of Cardamom geranium seeds wasmainlyterp in en-4-ol(110.54mg/g),myristic in (81.81mg/g) , β-p hell and rene (58.33mg/g) .Themain components of leaf essential oil were linalool(90.04mg/g) , myr- istic in(59.09mg/g) terp in en-4-ol(39.69mg/g) .Thestemessential oilwasdominated by D-limonene(45.56mg/g), linalool (13.26mg/g),3, 7-dimethyl-1, 5, 7-oct at rien-3-ol(12.11mg/g) ..Conclusion:Three kinds of volatile oils can give cigarettes unique flavor in varying degrees,improve aroma quality and aroma quantity, and reduce irritation.
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Hong-fei, YIN; Jian-zhong, CHEN; Yao-guang, LI; Sui-jun, LIU; Wan-ying, ZHAO; Meng-qi, CHEN; Yao-hong, YUAN; Hua i-qi, LI; Tong-fu, SU; and Yan-qiu, JING
"Analysis of essential oil from different parts of Pelargoniumodor at is sim um and its application in cigarette,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 38:
9, Article 9.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2022.90098
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