

Objective: Optimized cushioning packaging. Methods: Taking Hami melon and its packaging as the research object, conducted sweep frequency vibration test on 5-layer stacked packaging, measured the natural frequency, maximum power Spectral density and peak acceleration of the vertical and horizontal vibration of each layer of packaging, and established the relational model between the maximum power spectral density, peak acceleration and stacking layer. Results: The higher the packaging, the larger the maximum power spectral density and peak acceleration in both vertical and horizontal directions. The maximum power spectral density and peak acceleration in the vertical direction of the same layer of packaging were greater than those in the horizontal direction. The maximum power spectral density and peak acceleration were strongly positively correlated with the stacking layers. Conclusion: When conducting buffer packaging optimization design, the higher level of packaging requires better buffering performance; compared to the horizontal direction, the vertical direction requires better buffering performance; This regression model can accurately predict the vibration situation of each layer of packaging.

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