
Corresponding Author(s)

杨哪(1982—),男,江南大学副研究员,博士。E-mail: yangna@jiangnan.edu.cn


Objective: This study aimed to explore a new method to improve the blueberry quality during the preservation. Methods: Blueberries were stored at 4 ℃ for 7 days in 0, 3, 6 and 10 mT static magnetic fields respectively. Meanwhile, the apparent morphology, weight loss rate, decay rate, content of anthocyanidin and total phenol cell membrane permeability, superoxide dismutase activity and content of malondialdehyde of blueberries were analyzed. Results: The physicochemical properties of blueberries improved significantly with the increase of magnetic-field strength. Compared with the control, most of the blueberries treated by 10 mT static magnetic field remained plump during the storage. The weight loss and decay rate of blueberries decreased by 55.63% and 62.14%, respectively. In addition, the loss of anthocyanin and phenolic substances was reduced. Conclusion: The quality of blueberry was significantly improved by static magnetic field-assisted preservation.

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