To further develop scientific food packaging design methods, providing consumers with more accurate and prompt food packaging information, the article comprehensively analyzed three types of key cues for food packaging information communication: textual information, food imagery and cross-modal correspondence by integrating domestic and international related literature, and pointed out that textual information was more advantageous in the process of conveying information, positive slogans are more influential, and other detailed information would reduce consumer cognitive bias. Text is more suitable for expressing food functions, while pictures are more suitable for expressing sensory appeals. Secondly, package imagery had a significant impact on consumer perception and response, and visual fidelity implied healthier choices. Consumer perceptions of the food on the package will affect their evaluation of the package contents, and the study of cross-modal correspondences is an important path towards a more scientific, specific and precise approach to package design.
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Cong, TANG and Zongming, LIU
"Research progress of visual information communication in food packaging: A systematic review,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 39:
12, Article 16.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2023.60175
Available at:
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