
Corresponding Author(s)

刘洋(1990—),女,湖南农业大学讲师,博士。E-mail: fs_yliu@163.com


Objective: In order to determine the key control points that cause samples bagging and strengthen the prevention and control of microbial contamination during the processing of meat dates. Methods: Traditional microbial culture method combined with high-throughput DNA sequencing method was used to analyze the changes of bacterium during the processing of meat jujube and swollen bag of samples. Results: The total number of colonies basis was low in soft bones, while in the chicken skin reached to 9.10×104 CFU/g. And the total number of colonies decreased to 30 CFU/g after cooking, but increased significantly after vacuum packaging, indicated a greater risk of contamination in the vacuum packaging process. The swollen bag samples showed a significant increase in the number of bacterium, which ranged from 1.03×106~3.30×106 CFU/g. Acinetobacter, Psychrobacter and Pseudomona were the dominant spoilage bacteria in meat products. Staphylococcus was the dominant bacteria in the samples during processing (Y8~Y12), with the relative abundance decreasing to 0.02% after sterilization. The swollen bag samples (P1~P3) were dominated by Virgibacillus, with an average relative abundance of 99.37%. It was firstly founded in samples after sausage-filling (Y8) and with an increase of relative abundance after sterilization. Conclusion: The sausage-filling and packaging processes may be the critical points of contamination in the processing of meat jujube.

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