Chinese prepared dishes industry has developed rapidly in recent years. The industry of prepared Hunan cuisine started early. Till now, a complete standard system of Hunan cuisine industrialization has been constructed. The theory of shared Hunan cuisine has taken shape and is becoming a guideline for the development of chain Hunan cuisine. Home-style Hunan cuisine and chain Hunan cuisine have been regarded as the two main developmental directions. But the overall scale of prepared Hunan cuisine is not large. Based on the development history of Hunan cuisine, specially prepared Hunan cuisines, and related sharing of Hunan cuisine theories, experience and practices, this paper expounded the definition of prepared cuisine and cognitive differences among different cuisines. Eight core problems of the industry were analyzed, and corresponding countermeasures were put forward.
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Dai-ming, YANG; Jian-hui, WANG; Xian-ming, ZENG; Hui, LI; and Xian-feng, ZENG
"Analysis of problems and countermeasures on the high quality development of the prepared dishes industry based on the share theory of Hunan cuisine,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 39:
4, Article 1.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2023.60039
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