

Objective: The effects of ginkgo powder on the physicochemical indexes of wheat flour, as well as the nutrition, sensory, texture, cooking quality and bacteriostasis of noodles were studied. Methods: The physicochemical, nutritional and microbial indexes of flour and noodles were determined by instrumental analysis and chemical analysis respectively. And the sensory indexes of noodles were evaluated by sensory method. Results: The results showed that adding 0~18% ginkgo powder to wheat flour could reduce dough stability time, falling number wet and gluten content. It could increase the water absorption, whiteness of wheat flour, the taste and hardness of noodles. The contents of protein, dietary fiber, fat and ash in noodles showed an upward trend. The total number of bacteria in noodles showed a downward trend. When the appropriate addition amount of ginkgo powder in wheat flour was 12%, the elasticity, chewiness, sensory quality and cooking quality of noodles reached the maximum. Conclusion: Ginkgo powder could improve the sensory quality, nutritional value, preservation and freshness of wheat flour noodles, which has good application value in wheat flour noodles.

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