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Objective: The research aimed to reveal the changes of biogenic amines in cheese made from different refrigerated milk during ripening and evaluate its quality safety. Methods: The hard cheese made from yak milk refrigerated for 24, 48 and 72 hours was taken as the research object, and the biogenic amines in cheese during ripening were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Results: During the ripening period from 0 to 6 months, the content of biogenic amine in hard cheese made from different refrigerated yak milk showed an increasing trend. When the cold storage time of yak milk was extended from 24 h to 72 h, total biogenic amines, 2-phenylethylamine, cadaverine, tyramine and putrescine in cheese also increased in turn. The biogenic amines in the cheese made from raw milk refrigerated for 72 hours after ripening for 4 months were significantly higher than those in the other two groups of cheese. The contents of total biogenic amines and tyramine yak milk hard cheese matured for 6 months were (212.94±8.03) mg/kg and (81.04±3.92) mg/kg respectively. Conclusion: With the prolongation of the cold storage time of raw milk and the ripening time of cheese, the biogenic amine content in cheese increased. However, when the cold storage time of raw milk was less than 72 h, the biogenic amine content in its cheese was lower than the content recommended by scholars.

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