
Corresponding Author(s)

杨华(1978—),男,浙江万里学院教授,博士。E-mail: yanghua@zwu.edu.cn


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of cold storage temperature on the quality of plant-based bacon. Methods: The effect of cold storage temperature (-40, -20, 4 ℃) on texture characteristics, cooking loss, water activity, protein content, total number of colonies and microstructure of plant-based bacon were investigated, and the optimal cold storage conditions of plant-based bacon were explored. Results: During the period of refrigeration (0~30 d), the hardness, cooking loss rate and number of microorganisms of plant-based bacon increased, while the water activity decreased with the extension of refrigeration time. As refrigerated temperatures dropped, the plant-based bacon became more structurally stable and lose less water, retaining a higher percentage of protein and a lower microbial population. Conclusion: The optimum refrigeration temperature of plant-based bacon is -40 ℃.

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