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Objective: This study aimed to provide a basis for the post-harvest storage and preservation of fresh shoots from bamboo (Chimonobambusa quadrangularis). Methods: Fresh bamboo shoots were fumigated with 500 μL/L anhydrous ethanol and 0.1 mmol/L MeJA, and distilled water was used as blank control (CK) to determine the storage period, i. e. temperature (1.0±0.3) ℃ and relative humidity (90±5)%. The respiratory intensity, hardness, browning index, soluble protein, and activity of PAL, POD, PPO and APX were detected. The quality differences of fresh bamboo shoots during storage were analyzed using principal component analysis. Results: Combined fumigation treatment can reduce the increase of hardness and browning index of fresh bamboo shoots during storage, maintain the contents of total flavonoids and soluble protein, induce the changes of APX, POD, PAL and PPO enzyme activities, and delay lignification and browning. As stored for 60 days, the principal component analysis of combined fumigation was higher than that of other treatments. Conclusion: Compound fumigation can better maintain the quality of bamboo shoots during storage.

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