Objective: Replacing wild resources with artificially cultivated Nostoc commune to protect the natural environment. Methods: Compare the biochemical composition, texture characteristics, and sensory evaluation of indoor, outdoor cultivation and wild N. commune, while using outdoor cultivation of Nostoc sphaeroides as a control in the above three aspects. Results: The ratio of dry weight to wet weight of wild N. commune was the largest (2.42%), and its hardness and elasticity were the highest, which were 1.184 N and 78.5%, respectively. The content of phycoerythrin and polysaccharide of outdoor N. commune were the lowest, which were 0.19% and 24.45%, respectively. The allophycocyanin and protein contents of wild N. commune were the lowest, which were 0.33% and 20.33% respectively. The chlorophyll and phycocyanin contents of indoor N. commune were the highest, which were 0.82% and 2.75%, respectively. At the same time, the sensory evaluation results showed that there was no significant difference in the taste of N. commune among the different growth patterns (P<0.05). Conclusion: Artificial cultivated N. commune can completely replace wild resources for consumption and further processing of products.
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Jie-fei, XIE; Chao, WANG; and Zhong-yang, DENG
"Effects of different growth patterns on nutritional quality of Nostoc commune,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 39:
7, Article 27.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2023.80040
Available at:
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