Objective: To obtain excellent sensory and shelf life of crystallized honey. Methods: The process parameters of microbubble crystallized honey were prepared by mechanical stirring on laboratory scale. The physical properties of crystallized honey were changed by filling microbubble, and its thermal stability and physical properties were investigated. Results: For 200 g honey the optimized aerated parameters were as follows: the speed of the mixer, 2 600 r/min; the inflatable bubble time, 5 min; and the inlet flow rate, 6 L/min. The thermal stability time of the current improved product at 35 ℃ was increased by 41.51%, and while the hardness of it was reduced by 33%. Besides, the changes of physicochemical indexes were all within the prescribed range. Conclusion: Therefore, the microbubbles in texture can improve the heat resistance of the crystallized honey, and extend the shelf life effectively. At the same time, the crystal particles are fine and uniform, its color and taste of the product are also improved, keeping its original flavor of honey.
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Xinyi, KUANG; Zhengwei, CUI; Fumin, YU; and Li, LI
"Effects of microbubbles technology on the thermal stability and quality of crystallized honey,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 39:
8, Article 2.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2023.80190
Available at:
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