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Objective: Reduced the damage of rose orange in the process of packaging and transportation, and provided a theoretical basis for postharvest storage and spectral quality testing. Methods: According to the basic geometric data of rose orange and the maximum compression force and puncture force obtained from TPA test and puncture test, the finite element model was constructed to simulate the compression of rose orange. Results: The diameter of rose orange ranged from 58.2 mm to 78.6 mm, the average weight was 169.746 g, the average thickness of peel at the equator was 3.1 mm, the maximum puncture force was 6.26 N, and the average rupture force was 126.802 N. Conclusion: The pressure resistance of rose orange equator is relatively weak to avoid extrusion and impact, and the force that rose orange can bear in the process of picking and transportation should not exceed 100 N.

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