
Corresponding Author(s)

陈观生(1970—),男,广东工业大学副教授,博士。E-mail: chengs@gdut.edu.cn


Objective: To study the application of phase change energy storage in peak-shifting of cold storage electricity, and propose a more effective encapsulation structure for the cold storage plate. Methods: Multiple phase change cold storage plate encapsulation structures were designed for the frozen goods cold storage, and corresponding numerical models were established. Through numerical simulations, the solidification and melting cooling processes of different encapsulated cold storage plates were tested at standard temperatures (-18 ℃). The similarities and differences between flat and concave-convex cold storage plates were compared, and the impact of different cold storage plates on temperature fluctuations within the storage was analyzed. Results: Among the three special types of cold storage plates, the 30~75 mm size had the best cold storage capacity. It stored 36.23% more cold during an eight-hour energy storage process than the flat type energy storage plate. In addition, the cooling capacity of the concave-convex encapsulated cold storage plate was also better than that of the flat encapsulated cold storage plate, making the temperature inside the cold storage more uniform. Conclusion: The concave-convex encapsulated phase change cold storage board designed in this study can play a more effective role in the peak-shifting of cold storage electricity, stabilize the temperature within the storage, and reduce energy consumption.

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