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[[Objective ]] This study aimed to investigate the changes of metabolites during the secondary fermentation process of Zhacai.[[Methods ]] After 6 months of salt -dehydrated pickled cabbage,the different metabolites before and after secondary fermentation were determined by liquid chromatography -tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS ) combined with multivariate statistical analysis.[[Results]] 147 different metabolites were screened after secondary fermentation,mainly including organic acids and their derivatives,organic heterocyclic compounds,lipids and lipid molecules,phenolic compounds,phenylpropane and polyketone compounds.Bitter amino acids (histidine,arginine,tyrosine and valine ) down -regulated,lactic acid,acetic acid,phenylacetic acid,palmitic acid,linoleic acid,phenolic acid and other substances up -regulated.The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG ) pathway enrichment analysis of the differential metabolites showed that Alanine,aspartate and glutamate metabolism,arginine and proline metabolism,and arginine biosynthesis were the most significantly correlated with the major differential metabolites.[[Conclusion ]] After secondary fermentation,Zhacai have richer flavor substances,stronger aroma,and better taste.

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