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[[Objective ]] This study aimed to handle distillery waste effectively,research and develop high -value components within distillery waste,and explore its potential application approaches.[[Methods ]] Proteins were extracted from distillery waste throuth the ultrasonic -assisted alkali extraction and acid precipitation method.Angiotensin -converting enzyme (ACE ) inhibitory peptides were prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis of the crude protein of distillery waste using a compound enzyme.The extraction process conditions of ACE inhibitory peptides were optimized by single factor experiments and response surface experiments,and their antioxidant activity was investigated.[[Results]] The optimal conditions for preparing ACE -inhibitory peptided by compound enzymatic hydrolysis were as follows:the ratio of enzyme (Vpapainase∶Vneutral protease ) was 3∶1,and the hydrolysis was contacted at 55.41 ℃ and pH 7.72,for 2.38 h.Under the control of these conditions,the hydrolysis degree of ACE -inhibitory peptide was 66.62%;the highest ACE inhibitory activity (79.05%) was obtained after 3 h of enzymatic hydrolysis.The scavenging rates of the purified and extracted ACE inhibitory peptides against DPPH and ABTS free radicals were 2.078% and 3.226%,respectively,and the total antioxidant capacities were 1.161 μmol/mL and 1.255 mmol.[[Conclusion ]] The process of extracting ACE inhibitory peptide from distillery waste using the compound enzymatic hydrolysis method is feasible.

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