[[Objective ]] Explore a low -cost laccase preparation method that can be used for juice clarification.[[Methods ]] The extraction method,optimal reaction conditions and preparation conditions of enzyme powder were optimized,and the prepared laccase powder was applied to blueberry juice clarification.[[Results]] The optimal extraction conditions for laccase were as follows:citric acid buffer with pH 4.8,solid -liquid ratio of 1∶5 (g/mL ),extraction temperature of 50 ℃,and extraction time of 4 h.The optimal conditions for laccase reaction were as follows:reaction temperature 30 ℃,pH 4.8,Cu2+ concentration 10 mmol/L,Mn2+ concentration 5 mmol/L.The optimal conditions for the preparation of enzyme powder were as follows:maltodextrin and skimmed milk powder were mixed as drying aids according to the mass ratio of 1∶1,the air inlet temperature was 140 ℃,and the feed flow rate was 160 mL/h.The degradation rate of total phenols of blueberry was as high as 63.5% under the conditions of laccase dosage of 6 U/10 mL,enzymatic hydrolysis temperature of 55 ℃ and enzymatic hydrolysis time of 120 min.[[Conclusion ]] Laccase extracted from the residue of Ulmus lum mushroom using an optimal process can be used for the clarification of blueberry juice.
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Yong, ZHANG; Qing, LI; Zhihao, ZHENG; Shimei, LIU; and Kai, YANG
"Extraction , enzymatic properties and application of laccase from Pleurotus citrinopileatus residue,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
10, Article 27.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.60087
Available at:
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