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[[Objective ]] This study aimed to explore the effects of honeysuckle pollen applied to bread processing on dough properties,bread quality and anti -digestion properties.[[Methods ]] The honeysuckle pollen was added to wheat flour at 0%,1%,2%,3%,4%,5% to make bread.The changes of the flour properties,gelatinization properties,bread volume,texture,sensory evaluation,health indexes and in vitro digestion characteristics of the mixed powder were then studied.[[Results]] Adding honeysuckle pollen increased the water absorption rate of the mixed powder from 64.90% to 72.10%,and the gelatinization temperature of the mixed powder was significantly increased (P<0.05);When the amount of honeysuckle pollen added does not exceed 2%,the specific volume,elasticity and hardness of bread were not significantly affected,and the sensory score reached the highest value when the addition amount of the pollens was 2%.Moreover,the content of resistant starch in bread was significantly increased with the addition of the pollens (P<0.05).[[Conclusion ]] Adding honeysuckle pollen to bread can improve its quality,enrich its nutritional content,and enhance its digestive resistance.

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