

QIU Shunli, College of Biology and Food Engineering , Chongqing Three Gorges University , Chongqing 404100 , China;Special Biological Resources Development and Utilization of Engineering Center of Ortheast Chongqing , Chongqing 404100 , China
ZHANG Shuting, College of Biology and Food Engineering , Chongqing Three Gorges University , Chongqing 404100 , China;Special Biological Resources Development and Utilization of Engineering Center of Ortheast Chongqing , Chongqing 404100 , China
XUAN Hualong, College of Biology and Food Engineering , Chongqing Three Gorges University , Chongqing 404100 , China;Special Biological Resources Development and Utilization of Engineering Center of Ortheast Chongqing , Chongqing 404100 , China
HUANG Kai, College of Biology and Food Engineering , Chongqing Three Gorges University , Chongqing 404100 , China;Special Biological Resources Development and Utilization of Engineering Center of Ortheast Chongqing , Chongqing 404100 , China
LIU Shuang, College of Biology and Food Engineering , Chongqing Three Gorges University , Chongqing 404100 , China;Special Biological Resources Development and Utilization of Engineering Center of Ortheast Chongqing , Chongqing 404100 , China
MA Kuan, College of Biology and Food Engineering , Chongqing Three Gorges University , Chongqing 404100 , China;Special Biological Resources Development and Utilization of Engineering Center of Ortheast Chongqing , Chongqing 404100 , China
TANG Huali, College of Biology and Food Engineering , Chongqing Three Gorges University , Chongqing 404100 , China;Special Biological Resources Development and Utilization of Engineering Center of Ortheast Chongqing , Chongqing 404100 , ChinaFollow

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This review categorizes and summarizes the separation and purification approaches of pectin from Premna microphylla Turcz;Recapitulates the structural methods of pectin from Premna microphylla Turcz;Briefly delineates the biological activities and applications of pectin from Premna microphylla Turcz.The separation and purification methods of pectin from Premna microphylla Turcz leaves were classified and summarized,and the structural characterization methods of the pectin were also introduced in this review.Moreover,the biological activity and application of the pectin from P.microphylla were briefly described.

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