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[Objective ] The purpose of this study is to improve the quality of boiled spicy pork slices and promote standardized and industrialized production.[Methods ] The changes of volatile flavor substances in boiled spicy pork slices were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS ).The contents of the main volatile flavor substances were calculated by adding internal standard substances,and the odor activity value (OAV ) was used to determine the key volatile flavor substances in samples.[Results] 136 volatile flavor substances were identified in samples.The number of volatile flavor substances in samples during slicing,curing,boiling,and pouring oil was 57,66,57 and 63 respectively.Ketones ’ contents were the highest in all samples (the highest contents of alcohols were detected in the pouring oil sample ).19 key flavor substances were determined according to the odor activity value (OAV ≥1).The OAVs of nonanal,D-limonene,(E)-2-nonenal,and (E,E)-2,4-decadienal in some samples were more than 100,and the OAVs of camphene and linalool in some samples were more than 50.These 6 volatile flavor substances had a great contribution to forming the flavor of boiled spicy pork slices.The volatile flavor substances in samples during boiling and pouring oil were significantly different from other samples,indicating that the boiling and pouring oil process had the greatest influence on the volatile flavor of boiled spicy pork slices.[Conclusion ] The boiling and pouring oil processes were the key processing stages that affected the volatile flavor substances in boiled spicy pork slices.|

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