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[Objective] To explore the influence of different process parameters on the single screw press of soybean oil,and improve the pressing efficiency and oil yield.[Methods] An Eulerian model for two -phase flow of water,soybean oil and soybean particles was established.The fluid characteristics under different chamber temperature,chamber pressure and rotary speed in the pressing process of soybean oil were simulated and analyzed by ANSYS FLUENT software,and the validation test was carried out by using 100-type single screw oil press.[Results]] The extremum range of soybean oil volume fraction was 6.06%~19.80%,the extremum range of fluid pressure was 4.990~15.079 MPa,and the extremum range of soybean oil flow velocity was 0.20~7.46 m/s.The chamber pressure had a highly significant effect on the flow velocity of soybean oil (P=0.001<0.01),and rotary speed had a significant effect on the flow velocity of soybean oil (P=0.014<0.05).The chamber pressure had a highly significant effect on the volume fraction of soybean oil (P=0.000<0.01),and rotary speed had a highly significant effect on the volume fraction of soybean oil (P=0.000<0.01).[Conclusion] Under certain conditions,the fluidity and oil yield of soybean oil can be improved by increasing the rotating speed of press and the chamber pressure;The pressure of screw is concentrated in the oil transportation section and the initial pressing section.Enhancing the rigidity of screw at this position can improve the working stability of oil press.

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