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[Objective] Study the effects of different sterilization conditions and different packaging materials on the volatile flavor compounds of sweet corn after storage,and also based on microbial conditions and sensory quality to determine the optimal treatment conditions.[Methods] The types and contents of volatile flavor compounds were analyzed by headspace solid -phase microextraction -gas chromatography -mass spectrometry after 6 months of sterilization treatment and packaging treatment of sweet corn with different packaging materials (PA/CPP,PET/AL/PE ).Detect the total number of bacterial colonies and total color difference.[Results]] From the perspective of microbial safety,the total number of bacteria in each treatment group was within the food safety range.The highest total number of bacteria after six months of storage was 3.54 lg(CFU/g ),which occurred in the PET/AL/PE group treated with 121 ℃ sterilization for 10 minutes.From the overall color difference situation,the color difference values of the polyester/aluminum/polyethylene packaging group were significantly lower than those of the nylon/polypropylene packaging group.From the perspective of volatile flavor compounds,total of 140 |volatile flavor substances were detected,mainly other types (mainly nitrogen,sulfur compounds,phenols,etc.),esters,alcohols,and there was little difference in the types of volatile flavor substances in different treatment groups.Based on aroma activity value analysis and principal component analysis,5-ethyl -3-hydroxy -4-methyl -2(5H)-furanone,2-methoxy -3-isobutylpyrazine,furanone,(E)-2-nonenal,trans -4-decenal,trans -2,and cis -6-nonenol were the key volatile flavor compounds of sweet corn,which played a major role in flavor.(E)-2-nonenal,trans -2,cis-6-nonenol,furanone,benzaldehyde were differentiated volatile flavor substances,which were the main cause of flavor differences among different treatment groups.From the perspective of volatile flavor substance content,the higher the sterilization temperature and the longer the sterilization time,the higher the volatile flavor substance content,and the volatile flavor substance content in PET/AL/PE packaging group was higher than that in PA/CPP packaging group.[Conclusion] PET/AL/PE packaging,121 ℃ sterilization for 15 min,is the best sterilization packaging combination of vacuum packaging sweet corn,suitable for promotion and application in processing and production.

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