[Objective] To regulate the formation of α-dicarbonyl compounds (α-DCs ) in unwashed silver carp surimi.[Methods] The levels of 3-deoxyglucosaldosterone (3-DG),glyoxal (GO),pyroacetal (MGO ) and 2,3-butanedione (2,3-BD) were analyzed in surimi during frozen storage and freeze -thaw cycles at -18 ℃ and -60 ℃.The effects of freezing temperature,freezing method,and the addition of an antifreeze agent (enzymatic hydrolysis product of silver carp ) on the formation of these α-DCs were evaluated.[Results]] After 60 days of storage at -60 ℃,the levels of 3-DG,MGO and 2,3-BD increased by 209%,122% and 139%,respectively,but were significantly lower compared to storage at -18 ℃.GO levels initially increased,peaking on day 45 during -60 ℃ storage,with a slower rate of change compared to the -18 ℃ group,which peaked on day 30.These findings indicate that ultra -low temperature storage can effectively reduce α-DCs formation.During freeze -thaw cycles,3-DG and 2,3-BD levels increased progressively with more cycles,while GO and MGO levels initially increased and later declined.Freezing at -60 ℃ notably inhibited α-DC formation,whereas other freezing methods and temperature showed no significant effects.Adding enzymatic hydrolysates from silver carp suppressed increases in GO,MGO and 2,3-BD after 3 freeze -thaw cycles and mitigated declines in GO and MGO after 6 cycles.[Conclusion] The addition of antifreeze agents can partially inhibit the formation and transformation of α-DCs,especially under repeated freeze -thaw conditions.
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Jie, SU; Jiayi, LI; Yongle, LIU; Jinsong, ZHOU; Yiqun, HUANG; Xianghong, LI; and Faxiang, WANG
"Effects of the conditions of frozen storage and freeze-thaw treatment on the formation of α-dicarbonyl compounds in unwashed silver carp surimi,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
11, Article 17.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.80676
Available at:
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