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[Objective] To clarify the main causes of vitamin A loss during the processing and storage of infant noodles.[Methods] Wheat flour with different protein contents was selected,and iron elements of different price ranges were added to prepare the straight strip -shaped noodles,butterflies -shaped noodles and extruded noodles.The effects of protein content,iron element,processing technology and packaging on vitamin A were studied.[Results]] The results showed that as the protein content in wheat flour decreased,the loss rate and attenuation rate of vitamin A in noodles gradually increased.Vitamin A had the fastest rate of attenuation rate in the first 10 days.Compared with the straight strip -shaped noodles and extruded noodles,the loss of vitamin A in the processing process of butterflies -shaped noodles was the least.Mixing dough with vacuum can significantly reduce the rate of vitamin A loss.Compared to ferrous fumarate,vitamin A was more stable in iron pyrophosphate.In addition,nitrogen filling in the packaging could effectively reduce the loss of vitamin A in infant noodles.[Conclusion] The use of trivalent iron,mixing dough with vacuum,and nitrogen filled packaging in infant noodles can effectively ensure the stability of vitamin A in the noodles.

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